Emerging Trend: Digital Out-of-Home Advertising Audit
The Independent Credibility Fixes for Ad Supported DOO [...]
The Independent Credibility Fixes for Ad Supported DOO [...]
For all of its programmatic superiority, the online world still suffers from critical challenges: ad blockers on the front end and click fraud on the back end. The digital signage world, for all its lack of standards, will never have to deal with ad blockers, but we sure as hell have to deal with credibility on the back end.
As I begin to write this, the sun is re-appearing afte [...]
It has become a tradition to try to get a jump on annua [...]
The future of digital signage has never been more promi [...]
As both of my loyal readers will recall, I like to make [...]
For years, Near Field Communication (NFC) has been the [...]
Note: This post originally appeared as an online artic [...]
...the stock has been thinly traded, averaging less than 11,000 shares in daily volume. That, combined with the steady decline in the stock price since its IPO last year has created a real challenge for the RMG executive team. Their strategy and stated intention was to make several more acquisitions. Ideally, those acquisitions could be done with shares trading at a healthy price, preserving precious cash for other priorities. But the low volume and weak price were a double whammy.
Once in a while we receive a blast from the past, a con [...]